Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Right, "Just Write"!

It was Hasan, the General Manager of LPM Manunggal who phoned me in the afternoon and asked me to join “Just Write”, a national writing training which held by Diva Press, a major publisher from Yogyakarta. At first, I just like “What? Me?”, but he begged me to apply my essay for the selection of this event. He said that he believed this will be a good start for me to improve my writing skill, but I still doubt with my poor writing skill. Since we still couldn’t deal well, he asked me to come to LPM Manunggal’s editorial office to meet him.

Darahku Dalam Ragamu

Picture taken from www.brunswick.k12.me.us through www.google.com

Oleh: Nina Razan

 “Siva,” panggil seseorang sembari menepuk pundak kananku.
Prak! Ponselku terjatuh. Casing berwarna pink yang membungkus baterai ponsel terlepas dan jatuh ke lantai.
“Ah!” aku berteriak.
“Siva. Sorry, Siv,”

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Merapi Lava Tour

Halo, semua!

Aku mau berbagi pengalaman saat singgah ke Yogyakarta nih! Jadi, beberapa hari yang lalu aku mengikuti Merapi Lava Tour bersama teman-temanku.