Friday, August 2, 2013

Translation: Bahasa Indonesia into English #2

Picture taken from through

Translate this passage into English!
Saya berjanji bahwa saya akan berhenti merokok karena saya berharap bisa sukses meraih medali emas dalam SEAGAMES di Jakarta menjelang akhir tahun ini. Beberapa tahun lalu rekor atlit Singapura lebih baik daripada rekor saya tetapi belum sebagus rekor Carl Lewis. Baik saya maupun atlit Singapura
sudah berlatih keras tetapi tak seorangpun dari kami memperoleh medali emas. Medali emas ‘dicuri’ oleh Sanawong, atlit Thailand. Untuk antisipasi SEAGAMES mendatang, saya kira saya lebih baik berlatih sekeras mungkin sebelum terlambat. Saat ini hampir semua atlit Indonesia merasa begitu percaya diri sehingga tidak mempersiapkan diri dengan baik. Mereka membuat kesalahan fatal seperti yang saya lakukan beberapa tahun lalu. Walaupun saya atlit kuat, saya sering membuat banyak kesalahan. Apa akibatnya? Saya gagal memperoleh satu pun medali pada SEAGAMES yang lalu.

Key to exercise:

I promise that I will give up smoking because I hope I will be successful in getting gold medal in SEAGAMES in Jakarta by the end of this year. Several years ago, the record of Singaporean athlete was better than mine, but it was not as good as Carl Lewis. Both Singaporean athlete and I have been practicing very hard, but none of us got the gold medal. The gold medal was “stolen” by Sanawong, Thai athlete. To anticipate the next SEAGAMES, I think I had better practice as hard as possible before it’s too late. Nowadays, almost all of the Indonesian athlete felt so confident that they did not prepare well. They made some fatal mistakes as I did few years ago. Although I was a strong athlete, I often made many mistakes. What was the consequence? I was failed to get any medals at the last SEAGAMES.

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